If you have reached this point without knowing where Jarcha Español is located, we inform you that we are in Vigo, a prominent town in Galicia, in the northwest of Spain. If you are already in Vigo, you are in the right place to start your learning with us! And if you also want to take advantage of your stay to prepare for the DELE, we invite you to do so while discovering our city, its culture, and its surroundings. You will be part of a small group of students with the same goals and will enjoy interacting with them in very dynamic and participative classes. Our teaching team will guide you in each of the key competencies of the exam, offering you individualized attention that will help you obtain your diploma successfully.
How to enroll in our courses?
Simply complete this form. Once the group of your choice is complete, you will receive an email with instructions to complete the registration and payment through our website.
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