Spanish online - Monthly gathering in a small group


As a complement to your individual or group classes, we present our monthly Spanish gathering in small groupe.


What is it?
Once a month, students of the same levels gather for an online chat in Spanish, actively participating in an environment of genuine interaction and communication. It’s a unique opportunity to apply what you’ve learned in class and enhance your speaking skills.

In these gatherings, students and teachers will be in charge of select topics, focusing on cultural aspects (film, literature, art, music, traditions, gastronomy…), current affairs, historical events, and more. The atmosphere will always be relaxed, welcoming, and conducive to participation.


What can you expect from this activity?

  • Real practice of conversation in Spanish
  • Interaction with fellow students from around the world
  • Improved listening, speaking, and argumentation skills
  • A safe and friendly space to express opinions and learn from others


Session duration: one hour and fifteen minutes
Levels: Basic and Intermediate-Advanced
Number of participants: 4

Additional information


Basic-Intermediate, Intermediate-Advanced


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Spanish online – Monthly gathering in a small group


Don’t miss this opportunity to strengthen your language skills and make new friends along the way!


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