Online Spanish and In-person Spanish


Class Acquisition

  • It is recommended to take the online level test found at the end of each teaching modality to determine the appropriate learning level for the student.
  • Classes, both online and in-person, must be purchased at least 24 hours before the start of the first session through our website.
  • When booking their classes, students should consider the availability of schedules by consulting the class calendar and the non-teaching days calendar, accessible on our website.
  • After completing the payment, the student will receive a link to access their online classes. For in-person classes, the student will receive a confirmation email with all the necessary information.
  • Classes and subscriptions are not transferable to other people.
  • Prices include manuals and printed teaching materials, as well as in Word, JPG, and PDF formats and multimedia content.


Payment Methods


The student can subscribe to continuous teaching modalities (courses, conversation modules, etc.). Charges will be made monthly to their account via direct debit, for the duration of the course or module, or until they decide to cancel the subscription.

Single Classes

The student can choose to buy single classes. The student can use them at their convenience, within a maximum period of 3 months from the time of purchase and according to the class calendar.

Adjustment for CPI 

The prices of subscriptions and single classes will be subject to an annual adjustment based on the Consumer Price Index (CPI). This adjustment will be applied at the beginning of each year and will be notified at least 30 days in advance.


Cancellation, Refund, and Recovery Policy for Single Classes and Subscriptions 


Cancellation and Refund

  • In case of class cancellations, whether single classes or subscriptions, a refund will be made only if the cancellation occurs within 48 hours from the time of purchase.
  • No refunds will be made for unused classes, regardless of the reason. This policy applies to all payment methods. Otherwise, they can be recovered as long as the conditions indicated in the Recovery section are met.
  • Unused single classes within a maximum period of 3 months from the date of purchase will be considered delivered and will not be refunded.
  • A student who wishes to cancel a subscription after 48 hours from the time of purchase must do so before the start of the next billing period to avoid a new bank charge.



Single Classes

  • If a student cancels a class at least 24 hours in advance, they can reschedule it according to the teacher’s availability, finding a convenient time for both parties.
  • Only one class per month can be rescheduled.
  • If the student does not notify the absence at least 24 hours in advance, the class will be considered delivered and cannot be rescheduled.



  • A make-up class will be offered once a month for absences notified at least 24 hours in advance to the email
  • If a student misses two classes in a month, they can make up one in the same month and another in the following month, provided the absences were notified in advance and the teaching schedule allows it.
  • A student cannot accumulate more than two pending make-up classes at any time. Make-up classes must be rescheduled within two months of the missed class. After this time, the class will be considered given and no make-up will be offered.
  • If a student anticipates having more than two absences in a month, they can pause their subscription and resume it later.
  • If the student does not notify the absence at least 24 hours in advance, the class will be considered given and cannot be made up.


Make-up Classes by Jarcha Español

If for any reason Jarcha Español is forced to cancel a class, a new date will be agreed upon with the student to make it up.


Classes must start at the scheduled time. If the student is unjustifiably late by more than 15 minutes, the class will be canceled and no refund will be given. If the delay is less than 15 minutes, the session will still end at the agreed time, without adding extra time.

If the teacher is late, the lost time will be made up at the end of the class or by rescheduling a new class on a date agreed upon with the student.


Class Calendar

This calendar, which is updated weekly, reflects the school activity of Jarcha Español, allowing the student to select the schedule that suits them within the available hours.


Non-Teaching Days Calendar

This calendar indicates the days when we do not have class at Jarcha Español: local, regional, and national holidays, as well as vacation days at our center.

In-person Spanish for Communities and VigoLingua


In-person Spanish for Communities


Registration, Reservation, and Payment Procedure


To enroll in the In-person Spanish for Groups program, the general budget provided by Jarcha Español must be completed and signed, and then sent by email to


To reserve a spot, a deposit of 30% of the fixed amount must be made within 7 days after signing the budget, as a commitment guarantee.


  • The remaining amount must be paid no later than 70 days before the start of the course.
  • These amounts must be paid by transfer or deposit into the bank account indicated in the budget in favor of Jarcha Español.
  • No course registration request will be processed without proof of the reservation or payment to the corresponding account.
  • Registrations are personal and non-transferable.



The sales conditions for the VigoLingua language immersion course are reflected at


Modification of Terms and Conditions of Sale


Jarcha Español reserves the right to modify sales conditions, updating any changes on the website.


Data Protection


Information received from users will be treated in accordance with Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and Guarantee of Digital Rights, or any other Spanish legislation.




The general sales conditions and any other matter related to them will be governed by the laws of Spain. Any dispute arising in connection with these general sales conditions will be submitted exclusively to the jurisdiction of Spanish courts.